Tagged Articles
kitchen design
Restaurant Design Trends
Live Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 1:00 PM (Central)
What’s in? What’s out? What’s promising to shape or reshape how designers think about restaurant projects in an environment -
Outdoor Dining
Recorded Life April 11, 2024
This webinar will discuss current trends, weather, regional concerns, and best practices in designing and implementing outdoor dining -
Flexible Kitchen Design
Rapidly changing consumer tastes put pressure on restaurants to update menus frequently.
The Firehouse Ripple Effect
Developing a custom steamer allowed Firehouse Subs to streamline its kitchen workflow and improve the customer experience.
Maddon’s Post: Leading Transformation at Wrigley
Joe Maddon may no longer be skipper of the Chicago Cubs, but his legacy will live long in Chicago. It was Maddon, after all, who led the oft-maligned, “loveable loser” Cubs to victory in the 2016
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Restaurant of the Future
Recorded live on November 3, 2020.
Watch it -
The Future of On-Premises Dining
Recorded live on August 4, 2020.
Watch it -
A Q&A with Larry Jones, Innovation Leader at Captain D's
Innovation leader in construction, equipment design and process improvements, Captain D’s
Four Tips for First-Time Restaurateurs
In my nearly 20 years of designing kitchens and consulting, I see some very consistent mistakes during the planning stages of a new restaurant. When owners are eager to put their dreams in action,... -
Outdoor Dining Webcast
Recorded live on June 4, 2019.
Watch it on demand -
Form + Function: Open Kitchens in Restaurant Design
An “open kitchen” is an imprecise term encompassing many types of designs. Depending on who you ask, an open kitchen can range from providing a view to the back of the house through a large
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Open Kitchens Webcast
Recorded live on March 28, 2019.
View this -
Consultant's Take: Stop the Creep
Have you ever noticed how, over time, a huge number of things become must-haves in a kitchen? I call this The Creep.
One Problem | Three Solutions: What Should be Considered When Purchasing Kitchen Equipment?
Equipment is such a critical component of any restaurant, and operators need to weigh all sides before making a decision.
10 Kitchen Design Best Practices
Putting in the time up front makes for a cost-efficient project in the long run.
Kitchen Design Best Practices
Recorded live on April 25, 2017
View this recorded webcast free on demand -
Trend: Hot and Heavy with Pizza Ovens
While all types of pizzas have been among America’s favorite foods, Neapolitan-style pies are the current hottest trend. As spelled out by the Italian organization ...
Kitchen Incubators
Gone are the communal commissaries or simple shared kitchens of years past. They have been replaced by fully integrated,
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Kitchen Insight: Stuart Davis: Nico Osteria
For our complete profile on Nico Osteria click here.
You Want What? Balancing Menu Innovations and Kitchen Design
Menu Innovation vs. Design Limitations
Kitchen Shrink: Reducing Kitchen Footprints
The drive to reduce kitchen footprints is essential to deliver foodservice to more convenient locations with a reasonable investment.