Tagged Articles

touchless technology

  • Form + Function: High-Volume Restaurants

    Dining establishments serving thousands a day must design and plan for maximum efficiency or risk service meltdowns that annoy customers and could lead to social media posts that harm their

  • Safety + Comfort in Restaurant Design

    Over the last year, many restaurants, bars, food halls and other dining places have adapted their designs to ensure staff and customers stay safe.

  • What's Next? Design Experts Weigh In

    Experts and readers weigh in on what they learned over the past year and how they plan to apply those lessons moving forward. 

  • Form + Function: Touchless Restrooms

    The adoption of touchless bathroom fixtures was well underway before COVID-19 upended the restaurant industry. But the coronavirus added fuel to this trend as more building owners installed

  • Touchless Technologies Gain Traction in Restaurant Design

    Readers of restaurant development + design magazine plan to incorporate all kinds of touchless technologies into their upcoming projects, according to a February survey of qualified readers.

  • An Uphill Battle for Bars

    Now nearing a year’s duration, the pandemic is still wreaking havoc on the hospitality industry. In this era of social distancing, bars have been especially stymied, since they depend on close

  • Dumpling Spot Revives the Automat in NYC

    Automats — where patrons could get food and beverages from a space filled with vending machines — were last popular nearly 100 years ago. It seems the format may be making a comeback.
