Tagged Articles
Products in Play: How Lighting Transformed Wayan, New York City
At Wayan, designers created a “tropical-slash-downtown” appearance and ambience for the 2,000-square-foot Indonesian-French hotspot. -
Integrated Manufacturer Project Management
A Key Component to Successful Design/Build Outcomes
Designer Insights: Anita Summers, Principal & Lighting Designer, The Johnson Studio at Cooper Carry
Back of House
Rising to operating challenges presented by the pandemic means not only making front-of-house modifications that aim to keep guests safe but also focusing on what can be even tougher territory,
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Products in Play: Eldr+Rime, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Outdoor Furnishings
When the weather is nice, the view is appealing and/or the ambience is just so, restaurants with outdoor dining spaces often find it’s hard to fill seats inside — everyone wants to enjoy the
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Restroom Fixtures & Equipment
Yes, Instagram-worthy restrooms are now a thing — but that should come as no surprise. After all, restaurant guests today have a big appetite for recording and sharing images of just about
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Perhaps more than any other restaurant interior product category, flooring selections demand a careful balance of functionality, safety and aesthetics. The good
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Wall Coverings
Designer Insights: John Paul Valverde & Miguel Vicens, Partners, Creative Directors, Coeval Studio
Building Products & Materials
With 2020 finally in the rear view mirror, brands looking forward to resuming or accelerating development can expect some strong opportunities as well as a few headwinds in 2021.
Bar Equipment, Design & Storage
In the short term, the bar business faces a steep climb to regain the buzz and profitability of normal times. Even with many municipalities lifting restrictions earlier this fall, it will likely