Outback Steakhouse continues to roll out its refreshed prototype, dubbed "Modern Australia," in units throughout the country.

From Texas to Nevada to multiple new units in Florida, Outback guests are finding refreshed exteriors and interiors that are less kitsch and more contemporary. The company describes the "Modern Australia" design of its newest Orlando unit, for example, as featuring "décor that mirrors the indigenous flora and fauna, adventure, geography and leisure of modern-day Australia. Guests enjoy a spacious, energetic bar area that includes a community table, customized seating and furnishing and is connected directly to the outdoor dining patio."

The new prototype's exterior, shown above at a Ft. Meyers, Fla., unit signals change while maintaining elements of the original design. Pending location, the refreshed exterior includes a patio exposing heavy timber detailing and featuring louvers and screens, according to Outback spokeswoman Elizabeth Watts.

