Eureka Burger in Seattle, Rainier Industries

When Seattle restaurant Il Terrazzo Carmine lost its courtyard and fountain view due to local development, it also lost an essential part of its brand. Consequently, the family-owned restaurant expanded with a covered patio that seats 50.

It reached out to Rainier Industries from nearby Tukwila, WA, to install an awning over the patio that uses Serge Ferrari Soltis® Perform 92 fabric. This enabled the restaurant to open or close the covering as needed. They couldn’t know then just how critical the patio would become in keeping the business open during the pandemic.

Flexible composite materials help create permanent safe spaces that are also aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, functional and durable.

Serge Ferrari offers a range of flexible composite materials to meet the needs of foodservice operators. Unlike hard surface partitions, fabric improves the acoustical performance of the space, making it more comfortable and relaxing to guests. Serge Ferrari’s performance fabrics are affordable, easy to install, meet most fire codes and withstand weather conditions, while being lightweight and versatile. These durable fabrics are available in a wide variety of colors and textures to fit any décor, while resisting the damaging effects of water, UV and mold.

Soltis® solar protection fabrics offer open mesh or waterproof options and a choice of colors. Stamoid® Smart, a silicone coated equipment cover fabric, is 100% waterproof, while Batyline® Lounge makes a great noise absorbing privacy divider, hanging flat and comes in a variety of colors. Batyline® Iso and Batyline® Duo fabrics for outdoor sling seating promote airflow, clean easily and dry quickly.
