The death of on-premises dining has been overstated — at least according to rd+d’s latest pulse survey. A whopping 64% of rd+d readers said that in terms of their current slate of projects, designing for on-premises/experience-based is dominant. Just 7% said that designing for off-premises is dominant and the remaining 29% said their projects were split between the two styles.

This data point adds nuance to the recently-released National Restaurant Association’s “2023 State of the Industry” report that notes nearly 6 in 10 operators expect off-premises sales in 2023 to be about the same as they were in 2022 — and that every segment reports that off-premises sales are larger than they were in 2019. On the consumer end, 66% of adults say they’re more likely to order takeout food from a restaurant than they were pre-pandemic.

rd+d’s ongoing research project periodically surveys qualified subscribers on the state of restaurant development and design. This survey was fielded in early February 2023.

