Register for Tour the Design Trends

Thank you for your interest in the Tour the Design Trends. We can't wait to show you the hottest restaurants in Chicago during this one of a kind tour on Monday, June 13. Please fill out the below form in its entirety with the invitation code supplied from your email. If you do not have that code or if you have any other questions, please contact Kevin Poch at

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Please enter the invite code from our email. If you have not received an invitation code, please email to request one.

NOTE: Thanks to the generous contributions of our sponsor, Grand Rapids Chair Company, your attendance is FREE. Hotel and travel accommodations must be arranged and paid for by the attendee.

LOCATIONS/TIMING: The element of surprise is what makes the event so charming. The meet up spot for the morning of Monday, June 13 will be revealed in an email to registered attendees at a later date. In the past, we have supplied breakfast and kicked off the event with a quick presentation to reveal the tour locations.

COVID: We will be following all local protocols and restrictions set forth by the City of Chicago and Cook County at the time of the event. Please also be mindful that the restaurants we visit may have additional protocols that we will be asked to respectfully follow. Due to the ever-changing nature of these restrictions and protocols, we will notify you via email of the official guidelines that will be set forth as we get closer to the tour date. 

CANCELLATION: Due to the very limited number of seats on the Tour, should your plans change and you are unable to attend the event, please let us know no later than June 1. Any attendees who cancel the Chicago event on or after June 2 will be required to pay a $150 cancellation fee.

By clicking Send, you agree to the terms as stated above.