May 28, 2020 |
Rouj Offers Upscale Creole |
Baton Rouge, La., based Rouj is a high-end Creole concept owned by City Hospitality Group. Here’s how designers created distinct experiences within the restaurant’s open floor plan. |
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Three Steps to Reassuring Consumers |
Steve Starr, president of starrdesign, explains the tectonic shift restaurants are facing due to sudden changes in guests’ priorities, and how to address them. |
Pizza Inn’s Right-Way Buffet Plan |
Reports that buffet dining is dead have been greatly exaggerated. Pizza Inn launched a Right-Way Buffet effort to reassure guests as restaurants continue to reopen across the United States. |
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A Co-Branding Batch Made in Heaven |
The new Great American Cookies and Marble Slab Creamery co-branded experience was crafted with storytelling and a heightened sense of food theater in mind. |
Panera Goes High-Tech |
Panera updated its curbside service to include an opt-in geofence service that extends Wi-Fi into the parking lot, alerting staff when a guest arrives to pick up their order, allowing for a frictionless curbside delivery experience. |
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Bring Nature in With Biophilic Design |
Biophilic design is all about integrating nature into the built environment. Here’s how this design concept can decrease stress and increase consumer spending. |
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